Jacques - vertaling naar frans
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Jacques - vertaling naar frans

Jeeks; Jeex

n. Jacques, male first name (French); Chirac, Jacques Chirac; Jack (form of Jacob or John); fellow, man
Attali Jacques      
Attali Jacques, politician
Jacques Myard         
n. Jacques Myard


·adj Discovered or described by M. Tenon, a French anatomist.



Ancient and noble French family names, Jacques, Jacq, or James are believed to originate from the Middle Ages in the historic northwest Brittany region in France, and have since spread around the world over the centuries. To date, there are over one hundred identified noble families related to the surname by the Nobility & Gentry of Great Britain & Ireland.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Jacques
1. # Frиre Jacques, Frиre Jacques
Around the World in 80 Days (2004)
2. Jacques?
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006)
3. Frere Jacques, Frere Jacques, dormez vous?
The Surprising Power of Fear _ Patrick Sweeney _ Talks at Google
4. Jacques Pepin.
A Cook's Tour and Medium Raw _ Anthony Bourdain _ Talks at Google
5. >>Jacques Pepin: Not really.
Essential Pepin _ Jacques Pepin _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jacques
1. Jean–Jacques Langendorf Le Temps Jean–Jacques Langendorf est maître de recherche ŕ l‘Institut de stratégie comparée de Paris.
2. Jacques Chirac est pour le dialogue Richard Werly Les manifestants anti–CPE contaminent les sorties internationales de Jacques Chirac.
3. Jacques Chirac Président de la République française.
4. Débâcle helvétique dans la Transat Jacques Vabre.
5. Jacques Barillon: D‘abord une épouvantable tristesse.